School Security Solutions

Be Prepared and Save Lives
with FCS’s School Security Solutions

Contact us today and protect your entire school in less than a week!

School shootings are on the rise, with 55 incidents in 2019 alone.

The FBI recommends schools and educational institutions implement “Run. Hide. Fight.” protocols.

8 Children a day are killed by gun violence in the United States.

Knowing what to do in these critical moments can save lives.

Why You Need Strong School Security

Anyone that has been watching the news lately knows this:

School shootings are becoming more and more common as the years go by.

While lockdowns have slowed down the number of shootings in 2020 and 2021, in 2019, there were a shocking 55 school shooting incidents.

And according to SandyHookPromise, 8 children a day are killed by gun violence in the United States.

For these reasons, the FBI recommends schools and educational facilities to implement a “Run. Hide. Fight.” protocol.

When people know exactly what to do in these situations, and when everything is organized, the chances of survival are much higher.

The Challenges of School Security

Preparing a school for an active shooting event comes with a set of challenges.

These include:

School Shooters Are Unpredictable

Despite research suggesting there are telltale signs someone may be scheming to start a school shooting, the truth is once the event begins, there’s no way to guess what the shooter will do next.

That is why a simple plan like “Run towards the exit in the event of a shooting,” falls flat. Because who is to say the shooter is not waiting there?

This is one reason why creating a school safety plan is a big challenge. Your plan must ensure safety no matter how the perpetrator behaves.

Drills May Cause Trauma

While active shooter drills may sound like a great idea, some suggest that these drills have “severe” side effects. Common side effects include depression, stress, and trauma.

Drills do prepare teachers and students for the worst. By constantly practicing these, everyone will know exactly what to do swiftly when an emergency arises.

The challenge for schools and educational facilities, however, is deciding whether or not these drills are worth the negative effects.

Bad Door Design for Shooting Events

Most classrooms have outward-swinging doors that cannot be locked from the inside. These doors also often use door-closes. These keep classroom doors in line with fire codes and ADA guidelines.

But while their design is perfect for fire emergencies or children with disabilities, it is very poor when it comes to active shooter events.

The fact that someone has to go outside the classroom to lock the door puts them in grave danger. Alternatively, teachers can also tie the door closer with something like a belt. But this solution is still risky, as it isn’t very strong and takes time and skill to secure it properly.


Several solutions have been created to solve the classroom door problem. However, most of them can get expensive.

Some solutions require the door to be retrofitted, which can cost the school significant amounts of money. Furthermore, these changes must always be in line with fire and ADA codes.

Finding a low-cost solution is another challenge schools and educational facilities must solve to improve their security.

How Fighting Chance Solutions Can Help Your School With Security

With all the challenges of school safety in mind, Fighting Chance Solutions has developed its own School Security Solutions. These solutions aim to solve the challenges of school security systems.

At the heart of the solution is their classroom door barricading device, the Sleeve.

The Sleeve allows teachers to lock down a classroom and stay hidden until law enforcement arrives.

It is a simple device that is designed to slide over and secure the door closer. It can be deployed in as little as 2 seconds and requires no fine motor skills to use.

This door barricading device was built from solid 12-gauge carbon steel and is tested to withstand up to 550 lbs of external force.

With the Sleeve’s security technology, teachers can easily slip it on the door closer and secure their classroom when there is an alarm.

What’s more, the Sleeve is incredibly affordable at only $85 apiece.

Since no permanent modifications are required, there is no need to retrofit the door. This also means it is more likely to be approved by fire code marshals.

Finally, the Sleeve is proudly manufactured in the USA.

In an active shooter event, you cannot take chances. That is why barricading your door with a simple, fast, and highly effective device like the Sleeve can buy you the time before the law enforcement arrives.

Why Choose FCS’s School Security Solutions?

When you choose Fighting Chance Solutions’ school security systems, you’ll many benefits:

Safe Learning Environment

Schools are supposed to be a safe place for children to learn. Unfortunately, in the last few years, this hasn’t exactly been the case. 

However, with good school security systems in place, you can promote a safe learning environment once again, and protect everyone inside the classrooms.


No retrofitting required, no extensive training on how to use the Sleeve, and no high expenditures. 

Fighting Chance Solutions school security solution is extremely simple.

Reassure Parents

Many parents nowadays are anxious about sending their children to school. 

However, with a clear emergency plan and a good school safety solution in place, you can reassure parents that their children are safe in your walls.

Lawsuit Defense

The worst of things can happen to even the most prepared of schools. 

With a solid school security solution in place though, you can at least know that you will not have to face lawsuits should something go wrong. 

For only $85/piece, you can save your school thousands of dollars protecting itself against lawsuits.

The Next Step: What Installation Looks Like

Here’s what working with FCS might look like:

Determine Product Needed

Since most classrooms have outward-swinging doors, you will probably need the Sleeve to secure your doors. 

However, for offices in the school that use inward-swinging doors, you may opt for the Rampart

Determine Hanger You Would Like

Hanging the Sleeve close to your door allows it to be extremely quickly. 

This way, whenever there is an emergency, the teacher can secure the door in no more than 2 seconds.

Determine Literature

Having emergency procedure leaflets around the school is a great idea. This way, everyone can read what they should do when the alarm sounds. 

With FCS’s School Security Solutions, you can decide the leaflets you want to be printed for your school and brand them whatever way you wish.

Send Shipping Information to Us

Send us your shipping information, and your products will be at your location within 2-4 days.


The Sleeve retails at $85/piece without shipping. For bulk orders, contact us for more information!

Have Any Questions?

If you have any questions, please call us at (563) 509-3527 or visit our contact page.

We would be more than happy to assist you with any concerns or questions you may have.