Office Security Solutions
Protect Your Office with FCS’s Office Security Solutions
Prevent theft, reduce liabilities, and gain peace of mind in less than a week!
Workplace homicides are on the rise - in 2019 alone, 444 of these homicides were reported.
25% of non-gang or suicide related shootings since 1966 have happened in workplaces.
A workplace attack, even if it does not involve a homicide, may lead to consequences such as stolen confidential documents, office equipment theft, and insurance issues.
Knowing what to do in the event of an office break-in can save both lives and property.
Why office security is a must:
Workplace break-ins, violence, and homicides have steadily been on the rise in recent years.
In fact, in 2019 alone, 444 workplace homicides were reported. This does not include the many unreported break-in and violence incidents in which employees suffered only minor injuries or theft was limited to a smaller scale.
According to The Washington Post, 25% of non-gang or suicide related shootings have happened in workplaces.
In order to save lives and property, offices need to have reliable, effective physical security solutions in place.
The Challenges of Workplace Security
Although preparing for an office break-in or shooting is necessary, it does come with numerous challenges.
These include:
Ease of Access in Most Offices
In most modern offices, access isn’t limited to employees going in and out of the building.
Although an office space may have security guards, security cameras, an alarm system, and security procedures like the use of IDs, office doors are mainly unlocked, making it easy for a shooter or robber to gain unauthorized access, or just walk in from the street.
This is one aspect that makes finding a good office security system particularly difficult. Your office security systems must ensure you know what to do during a surprise situation.
In order to keep employees safe, retrofitting the office itself may be a good solution.
However, such an endeavor is not cheap, and this may be an issue to many companies
Flimsy Security Solutions
The problem with most locks is that they don’t provide ample protection against break-ins. While most basic bolts prevent a casual entrance into a room, a shooter may kick down even a locked door.
To prevent this, you need to find a solution that protects staff even in the event of a shooter slamming a heavy object against a door.
The Unknown
Unfortunately, no one can predict when a break-in or shooting will occur. What’s more, no one can tell exactly what the occurrence will be like, how the robber or shooter will move, or what his motive will be.
In this case, it works to have a one-size-fits all security solution for all your offices in all locations. Being able to secure entryways to different rooms in your building can prevent harm to your staff.
How Fighting Chance Solutions Can Help Your Office with Security
During a break-in or shooting, the best protocol to follow is the run, hide, fight protocol.
This protocol suggests that when running is not an option, the next best thing to do in the event of an attack is hide.
However, even hiding has its dangers, especially if a door keeping staff safe is kicked down by an intruder.
With Fighting Chance Solutions, you can ensure total lockdown of any room within your office.
This is made possible with Fighting Chance Solutions’ Rampart, the strongest door security bar in the market. This bar is able to withstand 650lbs of force, making it impossible for an intruder to kick down a door.
Another great feature of the Rampart is that it can be deployed in only two seconds. Plus, it requires no fine motor skills, so even a panicked person can quickly and effectively put it in place.
Since a single Rampart only costs $49.99, it is much more affordable than retrofitting the whole office.
Finally, all of Fighting Chance Solutions’ products are made in the U.S.A., which assures you of the best quality in the market. When it comes to the security of your office and staff, you deserve only the best.
Why Choose FCS’s Office Security Solutions?
FCS’s office security solutions promises you many benefits:
Risk Mitigation
Ease of access to your office poses great risk to your staff. And while you may have the usual security solutions like locks and bolts, chances are your staff will be too panicked to deploy them. Another risk is the door being kicked down by the intruder.
With FCS's Rampart, you can ensure total lockdown in a room until law enforcement arrives. Our products are proven and tested to keep intruders out, and are used in all 50 states.
All FCS’s products are simple and easy to deploy.
When the alarm sounds at a workplace, it only takes 2 seconds to put the Rampart in place. This saves crucial time for your staff and may mean the difference between saving or losing a life.
Furthermore, they require no fine motor skills. Unlike other door barricade devices, you won’t have to fit a pin into a hole to secure your door - something that is sure to cause fumbling in tense situations.
Peace of Mind
The rising workplace deaths in recent years may lead to worry and stress on your part. You may feel responsible for the well-being of your staff and the safety of your property.
With FCS’s safety products, you can rest assured that you’re doing your best to comply with safety standards and doing your job of keeping your office secure.
Lawsuit Defense
Lawsuits can spring up from failure to provide ample security solutions for your office. Unfortunately, these can be very expensive. In recent years, lawsuits related to workplace violence have cost companies $500,000 in out-of-court settlements.
On the other hand, if you provide safety solutions in your office, you can win the lawsuits even if there is a death in your premises.
For only $49.99, you could save your office hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The Next Step: What Installation Will Look Like
Here’s what you can expect when you work with FCS:

Determine Product Needed
The first thing you’ll do is to select which of FCS’s products you need to prevent threats in your office.
For most businesses that have inward swinging doors, that will be the Rampart.

Determine Hanger
A hanger allows you to keep the Rampart as close to the door in question as possible.
This way, whenever a threat arises, you can secure the room in as little as 2 seconds.

Determine Literature
For a smooth safety procedure, having leaflets around the store is vital.
In this step, you can choose which leaflets you want for your office, plus determine the branding you want to go into them.

Send Us Your Shipping Information
After we have your shipping information, you’ll receive your products in 2-4 days.

The Rampart retails at $49.99 apiece. This does not include shipping. If you’re interested in bulk orders, contact us for more information.
Have Any Questions?
For questions or concerns, please call us at Call (563) 506-3527 or visit our contact page.
We would be more than happy to assist you.